Friday, May 4, 2007

New Blog!!!

Well, I decided to write a blog. It has only been 14 months since moving to Germany and there are only 10 months left, but better late than never, right? Those that know me know that procrastination is something I mastered a long time ago.

So, part of the reason for starting this is because my Mother mentioned while I was on a business trip that there should be a website where she can go to figure out where in the world I am. The second reason is I have really gotten into cycling again since moving here and within the last two weeks this has really intensified, it is probably the wonderful weather we have been having. To this extent, I have been doing a lot of online research and came across a cool site where I can map rides and they can be viewed by anyone and linked to Google Earth! I thought that would be something else friends and family back in the States might be interested in seeing.

So, keep your eyes on the site, I will update it as I go on new rides or trips or just anything else that is exciting going on. I will also try not to procrastinate in getting updates on.

1 comment:

J said...

Hi there, new reader for a new blog. I met you briefly when you dropped your wife off at the MeetUp last Nov. Welcome to the world of blogging.