All of my rides have a great start to them, we live at the top of a hill, so there is only one way to go ... DOWN. This unfortunately brings up a nasty little rule of cycling, for every down hill, there is an equal and opposite uphill. The whole equal thing is true, however it doesn't feel it. So basically every ride I go on always has a nice 2 km climb to the end of it.
Bonn is great for riding, there are a ton of bike paths. Since I was out towards dusk, I decided to stick to the paths as much as possible which made for a nice smooth ride.
If you are interested in seeing a map of the ride (if you have Google Earth, click on "View in 3D" to see the route highlighted on the satelite images), click below:
Short Ride
Welcome to the blogging world dear!
So, you're a cyclist too? Cool. I love riding the great cycling paths in Bonn and NRW. Much better than down here in RlP.
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