Sunday, August 12, 2007

Blog Tracker

Ok, I admit, I am not the most reliable blogger. I keep the blog so that I can write about new exciting things going on over here in Germany or where ever in the world I may be, that way friends, family and anyone else can live vicariously through me. :) But this means that if I am staying in Bonn for an extended period of time, chances are, I do not update the blog at all.

In addition, I like reading some blogs, but I don't check them all every day, mainly because there are others like me that do not post every day (sometimes every week). If I haven't looked at it recently, I usually forget to look at it.

But, I found something that helps me and wanted to share it with you, to help you avoid looking at my blog and realizing, I didn't write anything recently. I use Blogarithm, you sign up, give it the URLs of the blogs you want to follow and it sends you an e-mail daily for any of your blogs that have been updated in the previous 24 hours. There are probably other similar services out there, and they may be better, I just settled on the first one I found that did what I wanted. The can be found at

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